This is additional information to go along with the Halloween eyes / Spooky eyes build I posted on Youtube
Update - the schematic and additional info for the new mini display version is after the original schematic and config info below; also the full Arduino project download links.
The schematic first, with the project config info below this:
And a configuration file showing the required settings for the pins used on the Seeed Xiao MCU, to match the schematic diagram above:
// Arduino "Uncanny Eyes" configuration file from the Adafruit project.
// Pin selections below modified to suit a Seeed Xiao MCU module,
// wired to Robert Jenkins schematic version.
// Changes or useful options/settings are marked with ++++++
// The pin selection lines need to match the schematic ort whatever wiring is used,
// the appearance options are up to you - try variations!
// GRAPHICS SETTINGS (appearance of eye) -----------------------------------
// If using a SINGLE EYE, you might want this next line enabled, which
// uses a simpler "football-shaped" eye that's left/right symmetrical.
// Default shape includes the caruncle, creating distinct left/right eyes.
// Hallowing, with one eye, does this by default
#else // Otherwise your choice, standard is asymmetrical
//#define SYMMETRICAL_EYELID ++++++
// Enable ONE of these #includes -- HUGE graphics tables for various eyes:
#include "graphics/defaultEye.h" // Standard human-ish hazel eye -OR-
//#include "graphics/dragonEye.h" // Slit pupil fiery dragon/demon eye -OR-
//#include "graphics/noScleraEye.h" // Large iris, no sclera -OR-
//#include "graphics/goatEye.h" // Horizontal pupil goat/Krampus eye -OR-
//#include "graphics/newtEye.h" // Eye of newt -OR-
//#include "graphics/terminatorEye.h" // Git to da choppah!
//#include "graphics/catEye.h" // Cartoonish cat (flat "2D" colors)
//#include "graphics/owlEye.h" // Minerva the owl (DISABLE TRACKING)
//#include "graphics/naugaEye.h" // Nauga googly eye (DISABLE TRACKING)
//#include "graphics/doeEye.h" // Cartoon deer eye (DISABLE TRACKING)
// Optional: enable this line for startup logo (screen test/orient):
#if !defined(ADAFRUIT_HALLOWING) // Hallowing can't always fit logo+eye
// #include "graphics/logo.h" // Otherwise your choice, if it fits
// EYE LIST ----------------------------------------------------------------
// This table contains ONE LINE PER EYE. The table MUST be present with
// this name and contain ONE OR MORE lines. Each line contains THREE items:
// a pin number for the corresponding TFT/OLED display's SELECT line, a pin
// pin number for that eye's "wink" button (or -1 if not used), and a screen
// rotation value (0-3) for that eye.
eyeInfo_t eyeInfo[] = {
{ 39, -1, 2 }, // SINGLE EYE display-select and wink pins, rotate 180
{ A6, -1, 2 }, // SINGLE EYE display-select and wink pins, rotate 180
#elif defined(ADAFRUIT_TRINKET_M0)
{ 0, -1, 0 }, // SINGLE EYE display-select, no wink, no rotation
{ 2, -1, 0 }, // LEFT EYE display-select and wink pins, no rotation ++++++
{ 3, -1, 0 }, // RIGHT EYE display-select and wink pins, no rotation ++++++
// DISPLAY HARDWARE SETTINGS (screen type & connections) -------------------
#define TFT_SPI SPI1
#define TFT_SPI SPI
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // 128x128 TFT display library
#define DISPLAY_DC 38 // Display data/command pin
#define DISPLAY_RESET 37 // Display reset pin
#define BACKLIGHT_MAX 128
//#define SYNCPIN A2 // I2C sync if set, GND this pin on receiver
//#define SYNCADDR 0x08 // I2C address of receiver
// (Try disabling SYMMETRICAL_EYELID then)
#include <Adafruit_ST7789.h> // 240x240 TFT display library
#define DISPLAY_DC A7 // Display data/command pin
#define DISPLAY_RESET -1 // Display reset pin
#define BACKLIGHT_MAX 255
// Enable ONE of these #includes to specify the display type being used
//#include <Adafruit_SSD1351.h> // OLED display library -OR-
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // TFT display library (enable one only)
#if defined(ADAFRUIT_TRINKET_M0)
#define DISPLAY_DC 1
#define DISPLAY_RESET -1 // Use MCU reset pin
#define DISPLAY_DC 1 // Data/command pin for ALL displays ++++++
#define DISPLAY_RESET 0 // Reset pin for ALL displays ++++++
#if defined(_ADAFRUIT_ST7735H_) || defined(_ADAFRUIT_ST77XXH_)
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52)
#define SPI_FREQ 32000000 // TFT: use max SPI
#define SPI_FREQ 24000000 // TFT: use max SPI
#else // OLED
#if !defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD) && (F_CPU <= 72000000)
#define SPI_FREQ 24000000 // OLED: 24 MHz on 72 MHz Teensy only
#define SPI_FREQ 12000000 // OLED: 12 MHz in all other cases
// INPUT SETTINGS (for controlling eye motion) -----------------------------
// JOYSTICK_X_PIN and JOYSTICK_Y_PIN specify analog input pins for manually
// controlling the eye with an analog joystick. If set to -1 or if not
// defined, the eye will move on its own.
// IRIS_PIN speficies an analog input pin for a photocell to make pupils
// react to light (or potentiometer for manual control). If set to -1 or
// if not defined, the pupils will change on their own.
// BLINK_PIN specifies an input pin for a button (to ground) that will
// make any/all eyes blink. If set to -1 or if not defined, the eyes will
// only blink if AUTOBLINK is defined, or if the eyeInfo[] table above
// includes wink button settings for each eye.
//#define JOYSTICK_X_PIN A0 // Analog pin for eye horiz pos (else auto)
//#define JOYSTICK_Y_PIN A1 // Analog pin for eye vert position (")
//#define JOYSTICK_X_FLIP // If defined, reverse stick X axis
//#define JOYSTICK_Y_FLIP // If defined, reverse stick Y axis
//#define TRACKING // If defined, eyelid tracks pupil ++++++
#define AUTOBLINK // If defined, eyes also blink autonomously
#define LIGHT_PIN A1 // Hallowing light sensor pin
#define LIGHT_CURVE 0.33 // Light sensor adjustment curve
#define LIGHT_MIN 30 // Minimum useful reading from light sensor
#define LIGHT_MAX 980 // Maximum useful reading from sensor
// #define LIGHT_PIN A8 // CPX light sensor pin
#define LIGHT_CURVE 0.33 // Light sensor adjustment curve
#define LIGHT_MIN 30 // Minimum useful reading from light sensor
#define LIGHT_MAX 980 // Maximum useful reading from sensor
#define BLINK_PIN 4 // Pin for manual blink button (BOTH eyes)
#define PIXEL_DOUBLE // Use 2x2 pixels on 240x240 display
#elif defined(ADAFRUIT_TRINKET_M0)
#define BLINK_PIN -1 // No blink pin
#define LIGHT_PIN -1 // No photocell
#define BLINK_PIN 5 // Pin for manual blink button (BOTH eyes)
#define LIGHT_PIN A4 // Photocell or potentiometer (else auto iris) ++++++
#define LIGHT_PIN_FLIP // If defined, reverse reading from dial/photocell
#define LIGHT_MIN 0 // Lower reading from sensor
#define LIGHT_MAX 1023 // Upper reading from sensor
#define IRIS_SMOOTH // If enabled, filter input from IRIS_PIN
#if !defined(IRIS_MIN) // Each eye might have its own MIN/MAX
#define IRIS_MIN 120 // Iris size (0-1023) in brightest light
#if !defined(IRIS_MAX)
#define IRIS_MAX 720 // Iris size (0-1023) in darkest light
Alternate schematic to work with the Waveshare 0.85" LCDs:
The new config file has some additional options, both for compatibility with these new displays and to add some additional options for a "Bare eyeball" type display.
These are:
#define TFT_085 // For Waveshare 0.85" display - uses the normal ST7735 driver, with extra settings
This changes some initialisation and adds an extra setting to allow the program to work correctly with the slightly different controller IC on the small display.
#define NO_LIDS // Removes the eyelids from the eyeball.
#define NO_LOOK // Locks the pupil in the centre of the display, rather than it moving around.
These respectively remove the eyelids and prevent the "looking around" effect, to make it more suitable for use in an Eyeball in a bottle type gimmick.
As above, the extra options are enabled. To disable them (so the program [hopefully] works as the original did), add a double slash in front of each, like
//#define TFT_085 // For Waveshare 0.85" display - uses the normal ST7735 driver, with extra settings
The // causes the compiler to treat the line as a comment, rather than a directive.
The full projects in zip form are here:
Updated version, also compatible with the mini displays